LLC New Hire Information

Welcome to EDI Staffing!

Please note: all corporations and LLCs need to carry insurance, whether the contract engagement is HIPAA/PHI related or not. We have two different certificate of insurance models – one for HIPAA as specified in our Sub-Business Associate Agreement and one for just a general working relationship, as specified in our Corp-to-Corp agreement.  EDI Staffing must be listed as an additional insured in each case. Please include a certificate of insurance along with all other required on-boarding paperwork; be sure that the COI matches the applicable model below and names EDI Staffing as an additional insured.

Corp-to-Corp Ins. Model

HIPAA Ins. Model

As part of your relationship with EDI Staffing, the following is information that will assist you in completing the necessary paperwork for each contractor performing services. Note: We are now offering direct deposit for our LLC’s. This document will be attached to the secure email you received this link in and MUST be sent back in a secure email. 

Employment Authorization (W-9)
Please complete, sign, and return the required W-9 form which is attached to the secure email you received this link. Please only return securely.

Weekly Progress Report must be approved and submitted no later than 9AM EST Mondays. Although these must be turned in each week you will be paid according to your contract for hours worked. All signed and approved Progress Reports should be emailed to (we will accept email approvals from the client). Payment is disbursed for APPROVED hours only and need to be submitted in a timely manner in order to process payment.

Payment method
Please complete the direct deposit form which is attached to the secure email you received this link in. You must return it in a secure email.