Monthly Archives: January 2014
The Value of Top Notch Recruiters
I’ve had the luxury of working with some phenomenal IT recruiters over the past 17 years. I’ve also had the misfortune of working with a few who just didn’t bring the professionalism or the skill necessary to be successful in this industry. So that begs the question: “What does a…
Questions Candidates Should Ask at an Interview
In a previous post we discussed how to prepare for an interview, which included doing your homework on the company by reading anything you can find about them. You want to show your knowledge of the company and hopefully express your excitement about them and the position you are interviewing…
6 Benefits of Working with an IT Recruiter
With a recruiter on your side, you will have a professional who can help you through the many challenging stages of a job search: the job hunt, interviews, and negotiation process. Other benefits of working with an IT recruiter include: 1. Let someone do the leg work for you Instead…
Looking for a job? Your Time is Now
Is there ever a good time to look for new employment? What if the answer is “yes”? That’s right, your time is now! Isn’t that what all the commercials and people on social media are saying? Shouldn’t you be looking for a job if you are not employed or if…
Our 2014 New Year’s Resolutions
Happy New Year! With the New Year upon us, we would like to share our 2014 resolutions and invite you to share yours in the comment section below. Aron Gilbody, National Account Manager “My work-specific resolutions for 2014 include working more closely with my clients to better understand what drives…