The Roller Coaster of Recruiting

It feels like just yesterday I was shivering in snow pants while shoveling heavy snow off of my car. I remember dreaming about warmer weather and wishing it would come faster… I’m happy to say that summer is here, and on behalf of all of EDI Staffing, I’d like to wish you and your family a Happy 4th of July! It seems just as the seasons change here in New England; the world of recruiting has hot and cold days as well.
Most of you will find yourselves at an amusement park this summer. If you’re a recruiter, you might feel like you are at the park before you even leave work- which brings me to my first analogy of how recruiting in particular, can be like the biggest attraction at the park; a roller coaster.
Recruiting is a ride that can take your breath away or make you feel sick to your stomach (that is if you had one too many french-fries)…
The ride of recruiting has constant highs and lows (and can definitely be a bit bumpy). We all strive for a balance, sort of like the perfect roller coaster ride. The perfect ride would have both high and low points with only a little bit of screaming. The high is when things are moving along, submittals are flowing, feedback from the client, and then the interview! Now we start ascending down the coaster… At last, we have the offer! You feel a rush of excitement, and sense of relief. As you begin the all-important start/closing, it feels like you are on one of those old-bumpy wooden coasters, and you are not quite sure if you are going to survive the drop from the top. Things often happen that the recruiter cannot control – budgets, and even candidates can get lost. Occasionally, a candidate just does not want to answer your call, which is like the roller coasters’ bottom falling out.
Recruiting, much like a roller coaster is a bunch of peaks and valleys. The main thing is to stick to your game plan and make sure you did everything in your power to control the almost uncontrollable process. Recruiting can be fast paced like your favorite stomach turning coaster, but more often than not (especially on permanent positions), it is more like the kiddie roller coaster, slow moving- but still very enjoyable if you can find the perfect candidate and placement at the end. To you fellow recruiters, I hope you have a wonderful summer! Buckle up and enjoy the ride of recruiting- because you never know where it will take you!
Take care and have fun…..
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