Monthly Archives: July 2022

Hiring Struggles and Solutions in a Candidates Market


We put out a LinkedIn poll asking, “What is your biggest pain point when hiring good IT talent in this market?” because we genuinely want to know how everyone is coping with the current state of hiring–so we can help you!   We provided four potential pain points that might…

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5 Ways to Cope in a Workplace Surrounded by Layoffs


As if small-business struggles weren’t enough, larger companies are facing mass layoffs and making cuts too. On the bright side, we know a thing or two about the workplace–and finding new work if necessary.   Here are 5 ways you can cope in a workplace surrounded by layoffs:   1….

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A Simple Checklist for a Strong Job Description


When hiring, job descriptions often go overlooked and posted without further regard. However, job descriptions are one of the primary avenues to find candidates for the position, so you must check all the boxes before posting one.   Here is a simple checklist for creating a solid job description:   …

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7 Team-Bonding Ideas for Remote Teams


Team bonding is fantastic for building camaraderie, collaboration, and showing staff appreciation. However, these benefits can be challenging to achieve without fun ideas–especially for remote workers.   Here are seven team-bonding activities for remote teams:   1. Kahoot Team Trivia Gather interesting facts about one another and create a multiple-choice…

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