The Most Common IT Positions Employers Need Filled


IT Jobs

In this day and age, tech-savvy is needed in just about every company in the world. It would be difficult to name an industry that doesn’t require some kind of IT help on a regular basis.  But exactly what kinds of IT jobs are all these employers looking to fill? This can be important information for someone looking for a job in the tech industry, or for someone who is considering entering the IT field.


Let’s take a look at some of the most common IT positions that employers need to be filled…


Mobile developer.

Mobile tech becomes bigger (and more important) every day, and candidates with experience developing mobile sites could definitely have an edge in the job market.


Security positions.

As technology becomes more and more pervasive, the need for secure systems becomes more and more important. Any company with a strong online presence also needs to have strong online security, making these jobs very common and valuable among employers.


Quality assurance (QA) positions.

Nothing is more frustrating to consumers and companies than technology that doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to. That’s what makes QA positions so important in the IT field. Most companies that care about how they appear online, or how their software or programs run, will have QA positions that need to be filled.


Support positions.

As technology becomes more important within a company’s infrastructure, so does the ability of that company’s employees to use that technology. And with the ever-changing landscape of tech, it can be hard for employees to keep up with new programs. That’s why support teams are common positions: people who help other employees troubleshoot their tech problems so they can get their work done.


IT and solutions architects.

These positions are vital for companies that rely on well-organized technology systems to keep things running smoothly. Whether their work impacts the company internally, or the end consumer, architects are responsible for designing technology systems that are functional and efficient.



No matter what technology a company uses, developers are always a key part of it. Different developers may be proficient in different computer languages, making them more suited to certain companies, positions, or tasks, but when it comes down to it, developers are one of the most common job options in the IT field.


It takes many different people to make technology work the way it should within a company, and that’s great news for anyone looking to work in the IT field. With the right skill set, you’ll be able to find a great position, at a great company, in no time.

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